‘Inclusive Social Protection’ and the Post-2015 Agenda

Author: Stephen Devereux ,Keetie Roelen
Thematic Area: Social Protection

Abstract:Social protection has proven its ability to provide an effective toolkit for addressing vulnerability and poverty, and has made significant contributions to the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in many countries. But much work remains to be done, particularly in terms of social protection’s role in the post-2015 development framework. Operationally, the coverage and quality of social protection programmes need to be substantially improved. Conceptually, the shift from discretionary ‘charity’ to rights-based claims is far from complete, and, we would argue, social protection needs to refocus on its core functions.(…)

Keywords:‘Inclusive Social Protection’ and the Post-2015 Agenda
Publication Date:
Type/Issue:One Pager/247