The Impact of the Expansion of the Programa Bolsa Família on School Attendance

Autor: Lia Chitolina ,Miguel Nathan Foguel ,Naercio Menezes-Filho

Resumo:Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT) programmes have been extensively used by many governments worldwide with the dual purpose of alleviating poverty in the short term and increasing investment in human capital for children from poor families, so that they can achieve better living conditions in the long term. The first goal is usually achieved through the money transfer component of programmes, and the second by making the transfer conditional on certain actions undertaken by beneficiary families, such as prenatal care, child immunisation and school attendance of children and adolescents. Therefore, it is expected that the children of beneficiary families will acquire the necessary skills to escape from poverty in the long term.

Palavras-chave:Impact, expansion, Programa Bolsa Família, school attendance
Data de publicação:
Tipo/Issue:One Pager/234

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